FPL uplink to flight deck via ACARS datalink.
PPS Flight Planning can uplink the flight plan to any aircraft via ACARS datalink, as long the Datalink Service Provider is integrated with PPS.
Datalink Service Providers offers uplink and downlink (Ground-Air or Air-Ground) communication via the ACARS system. This service contributes to flight safety and operational efficiency as it improves the connectivity between Ground operation and the aircraft.
FMS Upload service subscription covers automatic sending of FMS flight plan data from the PPS Flight Planning system to USERS’s 3rd party satcom provider(s) via AIR SUPPORT network. The service includes:
- Relevant flight plan data
- Enroute wind and temperatures
- Unlimited uploads from PPS
An example of how this could enhance safety is that PPS Flight Planning can send the filed flight plan directly to the flight deck via a recall number.
Service providers supported by PPS Flight Planning:
- GDC | Honeywell
- Satcom Direct
Uploading of flight plan to Garmin PilotTM is available from the CrewBriefing App version 1.9 or newer.
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