What is the key to AIR SUPPORT’s customer service success? “It’s all about people” Henrik Holm, newly appointed Chief Customer Support Officer (CSO) in AIR SUPPORT A/S, doesn’t hesitate once being questioned about his success as a leader within the aviation...
OpsControl v.1.4.2 released This release includes new features and improvements of Map Controls and Settings in OpsControl along with minor changes and bug fixes. You can access the entire release note via the Help Center Related Articles PPS8 v.1.9.157 released We...
PPS8 v.1.9.157 released We have just released PPS v1.9.157, which includes both new features and bug fixes. You can access the entire release note via our Help Center. Related Articles Crewbriefing v2.5.2 released Jun 24, 2020With this update to crewbriefing.com, we...
Crewbriefing v2.5.2 released With this update to crewbriefing.com, we are now in version 2.5.2. The new version will include some added features and bug fixes. You can access the entire release note via the Help Center. Related Articles Crewbriefing v2.5.2 released...
Why PPS delivers great cost efficiency Aircraft operations are costly – but can be profitable if managed properly For aircraft operators to ensure continuous strong market positions and profitable businesses, a variety of cost parameters must be constantly analyzed...